Innovation. Experience. Custom solutions.
The offshore industry has evolved through the years, but one thing has remained constant: Friede & Goldman is the world’s leading independent designer of mobile offshore drilling units, drawing on over 70 years of unparalleled innovation and expertise.
Proven track record.
More than 280 F&G-designed offshore rigs and vessels have been built and delivered worldwide.
From Friede & Goldman’s innovative L-780 series in the 1980s to the industry preferred 400-ft water depth JU-2000Es of the recent build cycle, our track record of 127 F&G designed jack-ups clearly demonstrates our jack-up expertise.
In recent years, our Friede & Goldman design team applied their expertise in offshore drilling to designing offshore wind farm solutions. Beginning with our advanced leg and pinion wear technology, applied on DEME’s Innovation WTIV, our design portfolio now includes a suite of innovative wind turbine installation vessels, floating wind turbine structures, and US Jones Act compliant feeder vessel solutions, all of which enhance the safety and efficiency of the turbine installation process while decreasing costs.
Our unparalleled semi-submersible success dates back to the 1970s with 81 built to date including the reliable, world-class Pacesetter and Trendsetter designs built over three decades. During the most recent offshore build cycle, these legacy offshore vessel designs served as the basis for our updated and technologically advanced ExD class of semi-submersible designs.
The DS3810 is designed for unprecedented mission flexibility: 40,000 ft wells in up to 12,500 ft of water with 90 days autonomy yields the ultimate drillship for remote environments.
World-class team. Unparalleled service.
Our strong team of experts delivers world-class engineering and equipment services through the unique combination of experience, talent, integration of a broad range of engineering disciplines, and excellent communication between designer, owner, and builder.
Whether the need is a completely customized WTIV or a solution to a specific problem, our engineers pride themselves in providing the best service in the offshore industry with solutions easily implemented in shipyards worldwide. Our experience and expertise include structural, naval architecture, mechanical, and electrical engineering.
Our products group continually works to provide customized and cost-effective solutions for the offshore industry. F&G-designed and patented equipment ranges from legacy components such as jacking and rack chock systems, to more tailor-made solutions such as vertical riser fingerboards and simultaneous pipe handling systems.